Вот они интересные рисунки искусственного интеллекта. Классные примеры того, что может сделать нейросеть при использовании интеллекта. Мы приведем промты, которые были указаны при написании этих самых рисунков, которые интеллект сделал сам. Не забывайте использовать промты и генераторы для них.

Самые крутые примеры работ сделанные нейросетью

Коты нарисованные нейросетью

Промт: create a cute cat laying at a table, cyberpunk, 4k, —ar 16:9 —v 5

Промт: My Cat Towelie, «Towel Wars» Series

Промт: cumulonimbus cloud shape cat in the style of tattoo inspired, lomography lady grey , dark amber and turquoise, colorful caricature, scumbling, exaggerated anatomy —ar 3:5 —q 2 —uplight —v 5

Фото девушки нарисованное нейросетью

Промт: Cool teenage girl gang member, head and torso, clothing, derelict, set in chernobyl radiation zone, in the style of beksinski and james jean —v 5

Промт: The same girl without changes with her beautiful black-cat, Photo-ultrarealistic portrait, taken by a Kodak ultra —ar 9:18 —v 5

Промт: black cats in hats with Bianka the small girl with red hair and black clothes

Животные нарисованные искусственными интеллектом

Промт: Sparky was a small, scrappy dog with shaggy brown fur and bright, curious eyes. He lived with his best friend Fluffy, a poofy fluffy white cat.

Промт: European Shorthair scared cat hiding in the rain under a tree while lightning

Промт: creepy evil psychotic easter bunny, matted fur, dirty, wet and soggy, ripped clothes, anime strobe light background, standing backlit on a boardwalk in the eerie fog —v 5

Картинки в тиле cyberpunk

Промт: a woman dressed in green holding a green umbrella on a boardwalk, in the style of soft, romantic scenes, dark teal and light orange, i can’t believe how beautiful this is, 8k resolution, feminine grace, subtle emotions, candid shots :: cyberpunk stories in motion, soft neon accent lighting, leather and chrome, cyberlimb prosthetics ::2 —ar 3:2 —v 5

Промт: representation of Ali Zafar, as a futuristic fighter warrior, consumed by alcoholism and people suffering around them from collateral damage cyberpunk, realistic

Промт: a cute bubblegum goth cyborg girl strolls by a busy boardwalk carnival on a warm summer night. In the style of vibrant street photography, far-shot angle, cyberpunk stories in motion, soft neon accent lighting, leather and latex, chrome cyberlimb prosthetics —v 5 —ar 4:3 —q 2 —q 2

Картинки в готическом стиле

Промт: drakula

Промт: DRAKULA dark table thinking ralistic thinking

Промт: a gotik hamster dressed in black with dread hair and a skull phone call headset

Промт: an over easy runny on top of a slice of toast in the morning —v 5

Промт: the solar system made from different. Galaxy —q 2 —s 750 —v 5

Промт: Full length vantablack avarice seraph, Devon aoki, ornate filigree, In the style of James Jean + Alberto Seveso + genshin impact. ::5 a above so below, inverted portal reflections to altar to the eternal geometric emperor צ aries , delicate baroque sensory architectures electrochemically glistening internally, the holographic emperor צ aries, style of Jungi Ito + beksinski + grimn, the children of death are growing eldritch horrors, style of + beksinski + grimm + greg rutkowski+ gustave doré, hyperrealistic painting of gothic trees engraved with occult symbolism by andrew wyeth + sui ishida::3 occult symbolism, sacred geometry, rule of thirds, golden ratio, fine lines, chunky lines, platonic solids ::2 glowing magic energy, glowing edges] by Alberto Seveso ::1, udr, uhd, 8k] by Alessandro Gottardo ::1, erode Mordancage, v-ray render, unreal engine, c4d], by Akihiko Yoshida ::1 [FXAA, TXAA]:[GLSL-Shaders] ::1.2, Post Processing, Post-Processing, Post-Production]::1.3 [ VFX, SFX, CGI] ::1 [3D Render, Lowpoly,Holographic] , ::1 [Glitchcore, Glitching, Data Moshing, Datamoshing, Databending] ::1.2, Tetris, Minecraft, Terraria, LSD-Dream-Emulator] ::2.3 glowing red pentagram, Network, 90s Computer Graphics, Cellular Automata, Conway’s Game of Life], ::1 [satanic Arciform, Arrondi, Sigmoid, Serpentine] ::4 —ar 9:16 —stylize 90 —chaos 12 —v 4 —q 0.5

Промт: minimal abstract geometric design, neon flexographic ink, album art, vaporwave brutalist symbolism ::2 Triboluminescence + Quantum-Wavetracing + polka dot sublimation + RGB Displacement, 8×8-Bayer-Matrix Dithering ::2 isometric tetris barcode :: moire pattern depth map :: geodesic dome blue print, Sobel Operator Edge Detection Convolution Matrix —ar 2:3 —s 800 —c 60